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Terms of Use
All content of, and software used on this website, including without limitation the text, images, illustrations, trademarks, reference, articles, videos and logos, is owned or controlled by Newport Beach Electric Bike Tours and its affiliates or their suppliers and is protected by copyright and intellectual property laws and cannot be used without the written approval of Newport Beach Electric Bike Tours or its respective owner. Newport Beach Electric Bike Tours grants you a limited and restricted license to access and download content only for your personal, non-commercial use. No modification or further reproduction of the content is permitted. The content may not otherwise be copied or used in any way without the prior express permission of Newport Beach Electric Bike Tours. The elements of this website which may be reproduced must contain an original intellectual property notice. No disposition hereof may be interpreted as conferring otherwise a license or a right pertaining to the intellectual property laws of the United States.
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Terms of Sale
Complete Agreement. Except as expressly provided in a particular legal notice on the website, these Terms of Use constitutes the entire agreement between you and Newport Beach Electric Bike Tours with respect to the use of the website.